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revolution with
Polymon T20

Single device — 14 different telemedical apps
Polymon T20 is a comprehensive Telemedical Station, which helps to bring the Diagnostic and Therapeutical possibilities of modern Hospitals into remote places. It connects to either the State provides Healthcare system or to the assigned medical Doctors or Clinic.
By using digital Patient Passports the Data is protected according the highest data protections standards.
Polymon T20 is in the process to get all medical and technical certificates as required in the EU. Made in Germany.

Accessible healthcare
Significant role in medicine
The Polymon T20 Remote Healthcare System can play an important role in African countries. An unlimited number of Polymon T20 devices can be connected to the TAMIMED Mediacl Data Dashboard System to transfer various medical records over the network.
In case of implementation of such a project, there would be practically no region left without healthcare services.

Remote work
Long-distance counseling & treatment
Physicians can monitor the status of patients by video calls and via connecting specialized add-on devices to the system.
Developing a telemedical solution covers disease prevention, increased survivability in emergency situations, extension of medical care to rural areas, realization of training goals and a variety of applications.

Top functions
ECG & vital signs monitoring
Receive medical indicators
Unlimited number of patients
Video conferences
Locating ambulances on map by GPS
Unlimited patient files
Medical imaging
Receiving & recording visitors online
Android app
ECG signals

Product highlights
- Intuitive & stylish portable design
- Designed according to the latest technology
- 10.1’ wide LED, high resolution display
- Portable & operable with battery and adapter
- Non-Fan Cooling system
- Saves & displays ECG signals up to 2000 records
- VGA output to connect to larger displays
- Equipped with long life Li-ion battery (3 hours operation)
- Equipped with WiFi to connect to the Internet
- 3G network connectivity
- Equipped with Bluetooth for connecting to various devices
- Software update through Internet
- Online consultation through physicians
- Voice call over IP platform
- Send & receive text messages
Technical Specifications
Display parameters
- ECG + HR
- SpO2 + PR
- Resp + RR
- TEMP (2 channels)
- IBP (2 channels)
- CO2
- Calc LDL
- Otoscope & Examination Camera
Optional parameters
- SpO2
- Otoscope